Recently, I had three wriggly, wryly, restless kiddos...all at once. It was post-lunch, things were getting dicey indoors. Time to move it outdoors and go for a simple scavenger hunt.
This is why I save containers (like these empty chalk containers), for moments like this.
I printed and laminated the entire set, lots of different uses.

Check out the rest of the free printables they have. I especially like the alphabet and veggie/fruit ones- , they're very artful and different from most free printables found online.
Now, back to our hunt...collecting items from the backyard. Each kiddo had a card, when they found their item, they got a new card in order to find a new item.
we grouped our items together and placed them on the corresponding cards. We talked about vocabulary and different rocks, plants and stones. We also talked about same word meaning (stone=rock).
Then, we had some fun with collecting more stones...
Transfer ice from jar to smaller container using scoop.
When she was done transfering back to the jar, we let it sit outside in the sun for a while...
so the ice could melt.
My tot was surprised to see the transformation. We used the 'Water' card here and included a dropper for water transfer.
Now, to find an activity for the 'Fire' card...