Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wewax, I Heart You!

Wax crayon heart garland. It’s so stunning when you hang it where the sun can stream through. If you do any Valentines Day project with your kiddos this year, do this one! It's truly breathtaking and worth the effort. Plus, you can string them up again next year.

Here’s what you need:
Crayons (really good use for those broken crayons) *note, washable crayons DO NOT work.

A grater or pencil sharpener (we used a pencil sharpener)
Wax paper
Two pieces of heavy craft paper OR two towels you don’t care about
Hole Punch

Peel the crayons: You can soak crayons in water (for about 3-5minutes) to easily remove wrappers, or use an x-acto knife to score the paper and peel off.
Lay down your towel or craft paper. We taped ours to the work surface with masking tape. Lay wax paper on top of towel or craft paper.  I used a 12-by-16-inch piece of wax paper and folded it in half to mark the middle point.

Shave crayons using pencil sharpener or grater. Goal is to have fine pieces of crayon wax.

Spread shaving bits evenly on right half of wax paper.
Fold left side of wax paper over and fold up corners.
Place your second piece of craft paper (or towel) over the top and iron on low setting (keep checking to see how the wax is melting.
Let cool. Trace and cut heart shapes. You can use varying sizes or just one size heart.

Punch holes. Add string (we added varying lengths of string for a staggered effect).
We reused the craft paper to hold the stringed hearts, simply fold over and add a line of glue.
Hang on a window where the light shines through best. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

This is a lot of fun! I used to do with my kids when they were little!

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