This all started when my toddler caught a glimpse of The Chipmunks on an in-flight movie. She fell in love. Hard.
She was given Chipmunk stickers and I made them into magnets so they would last longer. She played with them on a cookie sheet and loved it. Everywhere my girl went, so did the cookie sheet (in the car, to her grandparents house & nearly to bed with her). This lasted for days, and it got me thinking... how bout some more magnets- fun and educational ones?
A perfect use for this $1 book. You can find these books at the dollar store, Target dollar aisle, thrift stores or even use stickers instead of paper/books. Heck, you can even use cut out images from grocery ads and magazines.
Here's all you need:
Magnet sheets (local craft store)
*you can also use those FREE promotional magnets you get all the time (heating/cooling repair, insurance salesman, takeout number magnets, schedules). We actually used a 'save the date' magnet we were given for the Chipmunk magnets.
Spray Mount or Tacky Spray (local craft store)
This is liquid sticker. Lots of uses for this stuff.
Your images of choice and a pair of scissors.
Cut out your pictures. Place face down on surface (one you don't mind getting sticky). Spray even coat of tacky spray on cut-outs. Let sit for a couple minutes. Stick images ( face up) on your magnet sheet. Press down to make sure they are all secure/flat. Cut around each picture. Done, you've got magnets!
Lots of things you can teach and play with these. Color matching, sorting (food verses non-food, animals) letters, phonics. These can go on fridge, magnet board/easel or travel with cookie sheet or other metal/tin case.
This was a free gift with purchase we received, a Mickey tin with stickers, pencils, sharpener.
So, I turned the stickers into magnets and added plastic magnet letters. Perfect for car ride since it has a lid, it's magnetic tin and it's smaller. I'll probably switch the magnet themes out every week for in-car play.
Also, don't be shy about asking others for those promotional magnets they no longer want. I asked family and received a pile of them fairly quickly.
I've also seen a few cute magnet play ideas that utilize real family photos and scenery. We're working on a fun one using photos and plan to give it as a gift soon.
There are many options and possibilities with this project. It's cheap, easy, takes little time and it's super fun to teach/play with.