Yesterday I REALLY wanted to sew something in our craft room ( you can see our shared craft room via the stopped looking that neat after the photos were taken)! I had to think of something to keep my lil' 3 year old busy so I could steal 30 minutes to sew a special blanket.
I also needed a 'clean' project since there would be little time for hose-off before we needed to jet. That meant no play dough, no paint, glitter or glue (glitter + glue *shudder*).
How 'bout some harmless tape then!?
I just LOVE this tape set from Discount School Supply!If you haven't checked out their site yet- make sure you do! They have the guaranteed lowest price on lots of art supplies. If you find it cheaper elsewhere, just call them and they'll match.

Since we aren't quite able to use our scissors yet, I cut the tape and placed them on the edge of her workspace for easy grabbing. I also found some flower stickers and put them out as well.
This kept her busy (and quiet) for 30 minutes!
Good for making shapes, different abstract patterns and for decorating packages and cards.We may decide to use some of this tape with our Mother's Day projects too!