Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Urge to Purge!

I’m not bulimic. I am overstuffed. With stuff.

Come January each year, I try to focus on de-cluttering. What a great time to do it, a fresh new year! Sounds great, right?
Unfortunately, I haven’t done this in 2 years (which perfectly coincides with the fact that I have a 2 year old child). An excuse...for once, not so much. This little creature has brought her own entourage of clutter into our home that we must also deal with. Nobody tells you how much gear a baby comes with...and how fast it multiplies!
I have a history of being a very organized (type A) person - with some creative 'flair'. The organized part has gone haywire ever since I became a mom. Keeping a child alive and happy, plus sleeping and showering has caused de-cluttering to be absent from my short list.
So, now I am facing down a dreaded monster sized project- out of necessity. The master closet for starters, it's a train wreck. When guests come over, I close the door. Okay, I don't simply 'close' it. I have to push it shut using my back and leg muscles... and if I'm lucky, it shuts on the first try.
 My poor husband has been relegated to the guest room closet, seeing as I cannot offer even a smidgen of space in the master closet to him.
His poor shirts, ties and slacks…ALL ALONE, separated from my blouses, dresses, massive quantity of shoes, coats, blazers, jackets, trench coats, sweaters, skirts, scarves, handbags, hats, jewelry, perfume, makeup, maternity clothes (I’m not pregnant)…the list continues. Plus, there’s a bunch of stuff in there that doesn’t belong. Why would there be a new dish scrubber  in there, or a pack of toothbrush replacement heads? You got it, it's the catch, my catch all.
So, I'm reclaiming the space (maybe some of my sanity) and starting with this:

It fits. I wear it. It's useful and I love it.
It's too freakin' small... but I love it! Tough one. I'll get back to this.
Easy enough. Don't want it. It will make a nice donation and somebody ELSE could love it.
This is stuff that is useful, it just doesn't belong in the closet!
CHUCK: Trash.
I envision a few rounds of these tubs and then I will have to deal with the Wishful Thinking pile.
If this project takes me a month, perhaps I can lose a few LB's in that time, and be able to squeeze into the Wishful Thinking clothes!  
Sounds perfectly reasonable, right?  Wishful thinking...

1 comment:

  1. Seriale Turcesti sunt apreciate acum de zile, deoarece sunt pline de islamism, iar pove?tile fantastice fac publicului sa iubeasca sa-l urmareasca. Ac?iunea pura a actorilor super-talenta?i face ca Seriale Turcesti sa merite vizionate ?i crede?i ca timpul dvs.
